The 6th edition of SSIMA has just ended and we are honored and grateful for everyone who has joined us throughout a week full of innovations in MedTech. We are honored that SSIMA 2022 was held under the High Patronage of the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, who delivered a message during the official opening of the International Festival of Innovation in MedTech – SSIMA 2022. The message was presented by Prof. Dr. Diana Păun, Presidential Advisor – Department of Public Health.

Check out the text of the message:

Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure to offer the High Patronage to the International Festival of Innovation in Medical Technologies, SSIMA, 2022nd edition, in recognition of the efforts of the organizers and the need to reform the health system.

The world is constantly changing, and science, technology, and innovation are revolutionizing medicine on a scale unthinkable even 20 years ago. The effects of these transformations are significant and have a direct impact on our daily lives.

The decisive role of the academic environment in upskilling the new generations is undeniable, as the involvement of this sector brings genuine scientific baggage to the debates on topical issues. Therefore, I welcome the Festival’s emphasis on education and believe that the participation of academia is essential for developing skills and capitalizing on the lessons learned.

However, the deployment of scientific innovations and technological solutions with the larger goal of achieving the Sustainable Development Agenda and recovery from COVID-19 requires extensive cooperation.

The industry is also a crucial player in providing innovative resources to provide safe and equitable care, anticipate future crises, and respond effectively to the challenges they may generate.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the extent of the globalization phenomenon. The world is more connected than ever, and sharing knowledge and good practices, exchanging new ideas and perspectives, and networking are essential to building an international community that supports health services.

We need to work in partnership to tackle the issues that affect us all. I, therefore, welcome the SSIMA initiative for its excellent opportunity for healthcare professionals, policymakers, academia, and industry to exchange ideas and promote innovative care models.

Romania contributes to the global effort to identify innovative actions to respond to health threats, accelerating development and reducing inequalities in access to health services.

I trust that today’s example of good practices is only the first of a long constructive journey.

I wish you success and good health!


We thank the Presidency for the enormous support and we are looking forward to seeing you again next year! Stay tuned for more information!