Speakers & Program
July, 2018
Registration/Coffee Break
Introduction to Deep Networks with Medical Applications
Speaker: Doron Shaked
Coffee Break
Introduction to Deep Networks with Medical Applications
Speaker: Doron Shaked
Coffee Break
Decision with image specific background models
Speaker: Michael Lindenbaum
July, 2018
Why is it so difficult to obtain medical images for R&D?
Speaker: Nahum Kiryati
Legal limits of artificial intelligence applications in the medical field
Speaker: Veronica Dobozi
Speaker: Rodica Paslaru (SofMedica)
Speaker: George T. Haber (Romanian entrepreneur in Sillicon Valley)
Bringing machine learning methods into the medical imaging industry for automation and detection
Speaker: Benjamin Irving
Deep U-nets for organ segmentation in medical images
Speaker: Benjamin Irving
July, 2018
Welcome Coffee
Philips Representative
AI For Healthcare – The Lung Cancer Screening use-case
Dr. Dimitrios Mavroeidis, Senior Scientist, Data Science Department, Phillips Research
How do we do R&D? Innovations in the area of personal health sensors
Cristian Presură, Senior Scientist, Philips
How YOU can reinvent Healthcare – An introduction into Open Innovation @Philips
Peter Vorlander, Health Accelerator Innovation Lead, Philips HealthWorks
Coffee Break
Pre-learning workshop for Philips Masterclasses
Philips Masterclasses
Ultrasound-World’s first truly integrated tele-ultrasound solution
Healthcare Informatics – Advanced Visualization and Post-Processing in Cardiovascular & Oncology Studies
Conclusions & Wrap-up
July, 2018
MRI acquisition and reconstruction — from basic techniques to compressive sensing and machine learning (part 1)
Speaker: Michael Lustig
Coffee Break
MRI acquisition and reconstruction — from basic techniques to compressive sensing and machine learning (part 2)
Speaker: Michael Lustig
Early detection, faster treatment and prevention of disease with machine learning
Speaker: Kim Mouridsen
Coffee Break
Deep Neural Networks for Medical Image Recognition in Tensorflow (Part 1)
July, 2018
Brain-inspired models for AI, AI-inspired models for the brain
Speaker: Bart Romeny
Coffee Break
Brain-inspired models for AI, AI-inspired models for the brain
Speaker: Bart Romeny
Precision oncology and radiogenomics with MR spectroscopic imaging
Speaker: Ovidiu Andronesi
The Story Behind the Image: When Vision Meets Language
Speaker: Marius Leordeanu
Coffee Break
Deep Neural Networks for Medical Image Recognition in Tensorflow (Part 2)
SatelliteEvent for Healthcare Professionals
How is Artificial Intelligence Reinventing Healthcare – A medical Perspective
Michael Lustig from Berkeley University
Ovidiu Andronesi from Harvard Medical School – “Imaging based precision medicine”
Bart ter Haar Romeny from Eindhoven University of Technology – „A Deeper Understanding of Deep Learning”
July, 2018
Conference Day
12:00 – 15:00
Imaging based precision medicine
Ovidiu Andronesi from Harvard Medical School
Michael Lustig from Berkeley University
A Deeper Understanding of Deep Learning
Bart Romeny from Eindhoven University of Technology
July, 2018
MedTech Innovation in Practice – by FreshBlood and EITHealth
Medical Innovation (10.00-11.00)
Introduction – Elena Ovreiu – SSIMA
Mircea Vadan – Cluj Startups and FreshBlood – Startups as innovation vectors
Veronica Dobozi – Partner at Stoica & Associates Law Firm – Legal limits of artificial intelligence applications in the medical field
Ion-Gheorghe Petrovai – FreshBlood and EITHealth – Innovation in medicine – Stanford BioDesign and EITHealth opportunities
Coffee Break
July, 2018
MedTech Innovation in Practice – by FreshBlood and EITHealth
Innovation in Medicine – Co-Creation session
Challenge Presentations/Selections
11.45 -13.00
Teamwork on Business Model Canvas
13.00 – 14.00
Working Lunch
14.00 – 15.00
Teamwork Continues
15.00 – 16.00
Results Presentations – 5 minutes/team/10 teams+transitions
16.00 – 16.10
Wrap-up and conclusions
16.00 – 16.30
Start-up Demo Booths (in the lobby)
Start-up Pitching and feedback session in plenary session
17.45 – 18.00
Conclusions of the day
Start-up Demo Booths Continued
July, 2018
Philips Innovation Day powered by Philips
09:00 – 09:10
Welcome, Introduction, Presentations of participants
09:10 – 09:20
Philips Vision for Healthcare
09:20 – 10:00
Philips in Artificial Intelligence
10:00– 11:00
How do we do R&D? And how can we use AI?
11:00– 11:15
Coffee break
11:15– 12:15
Pre-learning workshop for Philips masterclasses
12:30– 14:00
14:00– 17:00
Philips Master Classes
17:00 – 17:30
Conclusions & Wrap-up
This year we introduce „How is Artificial Intelligence Reinventing Healthcare – A medical Perspective”, a special event dedicated to young doctors and medical students in partnership with The Romanian Federation of Medical Students Associations – FASMR.
This summer school aims to give a better understanding of the expanding relation between the field of radiology and medical imaging, medical informatics and artificial intelligence. This event is adressed to medical imaging professionals and medical students who want to pursue a career in the field of medical imaging. The registration form for „How is Artificial Intelligence Reinventing Healthcare – A medical Perspective” can be filled until 21st of June, 2018.
Philips is funding 20 free registrations along with accommodation.
The deadline for the candidates applying for this scholarship is 17th of June and the results will be announced on 18th of June.
The criteria of selection is a motivation letter, including a personal opinion on how Artificial Intelligence is going to shape the future of medicine.