5th September
SSIMA Opening Prof Alfred Bruckstein, Prof Bart ter Haar Romeny & Dr. Elena Ovreiu
Workshop: Explainable AI from First Principles - Deep Learning in Healthcare works so well, but how does it actually work? (part 1)
Prof. Bart Romeny (Eindhoven Technical University) -
Coffee Break
Workshop: Explainable AI from First Principles - Deep Learning in Healthcare works so well, but how does it actually work?(part 2)
Prof. Bart Romeny (Eindhoven Technical University) -
Computational Precision Imaging for Regulatory Science
Prof. Alejandro Frangi (University of Leeds | Leuven University) -
Personalized Integrative Medicine: The promise of AI when bridging the gap between radiology and pathology imagesProf. Mirabela Rusu, Stanford Medicine
Coffee Break
Dr. Andrei Baciu, Secretary of State, Ministry of Healthcare
Dr. Marius Saines (University Vascular Associates)
6th September
SSIMA Running Team
Professors Alon Wolf, Ron Kimmel, Lihi Zelnic Manor -
Tale of a polyp. A clinicopathological journey
Prof. Edmond Sabo (director of the Department of Pathology and Cytology at the Lady Davis Carmel Medical Center,Israel) -
Computational Oncology and Pathology
Prof. Ron Kimmel (Technion Institute of Technology) -
Coffee Break
Improving Colonoscopy with AI
Prof. Ehud Rivlin (Head Google Verily, Israel) -
Progress Toward Context-Aware Operating Room
Prof Marco Zenati (Surgeon Harvard Medical School & co-founder MedRobotics) -
Do proteins remember the genetic sequence from which they were translated?
Prof. Alex Bronstein (Technion Institute of Technology) -
Coffee Break
A Deep Ensemble Learning Approach to Lung CT Segmentation for COVID-19 Severity Assessment
Prof. Tammy Riklin-Raviv (Ben-Gurion University) -
Workshop on fundamental academic skills in scientific writing and presentations, and grant writing tips given by Prof Alex Frangi (optional)
7th September
SSIMA Running Team
Professors Alon Wolf, Ron Kimmel, Lihi Zelnic Manor -
Personalized Cardiology Powered by AI and Computational Modeling
Prof. Natalia Trayanova (Johns Hopkins University) -
Prof. Michael Bronstein (Oxford Univ, head of Twitter Research, UK) -
Coffee Break
Prof Alon Wolf (VP of Technion IIT & co-founder MedRobotics) -
BIOdyssey. Health Innovation Hub launch
(Technion Israel & Romanian American Foundation) -Dr. Elena Ovreiu -Prof. Alon Wolf -Dr. Sebastian Burduja -Sevda Mehmet -
Extraordinary panel: Investing in the Digitalisation of Healthcare
Part I
Chaired by Mr. George T. Haber -
Coffee Break
Extraordinary panel: Investing in the Digitalisation of Healthcare
Part II
Chaired by Mr. George T. Haber -
Pitching Sessions SSIMA Industry
7th September (Parallel)
SSIMA Industry Day @Oradea Emergency Hospital
8th September
SSIMA Running Team
Professors Alon Wolf, Ron Kimmel, Lihi Zelnic Manor -
Haptic feedback in medical applications
Prof Lihi Zelnik Manor (Technion IIT) -
Prof Alexander Leemans -University Medical Center Utrecht -
Coffee Break
Transforming Healthcare with Deep Learning
Dr.Ayelet Akselrod-Balli (Reichman University (IDC Herzliya)) -
Extraordinary panel: Management of Emergency Situations
Part I
Chaired by Prof. Michael Halberthal -
Coffee Break
Extraordinary panel: Management of Emergency Situations
Part II
Chaired by Prof. Michael Halberthal -
Gala Dinner
8th September (Parallel)
9th September
Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare: From Patient Twinning to Precision Therapy
Dr Dorin Comaniciu (Senior VP Siemens Healthineers) -
Building a Medtech Innovation Ecosystem in Japan (Japan Biodesign)
Prof Masakazu Yagi (President Japan Stanford Biodesign) -
Coffee Break
Benjamin Rolnik (director Stanford Healthcare Innovtion Lab) -
Oradea Guided Tour